In a world full of stuff, where we are overwhelmed by the volume of products that spill out of factories, there is something reassuring about selecting a vintage or antique object that was made by hand and with love many years ago. The Italian Collector promotes the idea of a circular economy by giving new value to the many beautiful creations that are already here.
Our business is based in Italy. Every piece we sell originates from the Italian peninsula. Although, our business is local, our clients are global. Therefore, we use DPD as our preferred delivery service. DPD has a “Carbon Neutral Commitment to make every parcel we deliver carbon neutral” using a variety of initiatives from increased use of alternative fuel vehicles to financing renewable and cleaner energy projects. Further, when possible we repurpose materials for our packing. Don't be surprised to find your parcel delicately wrapped in the front page of an Italian newspaper paper. For our more fragile parcels we rely on recyclable or compostable materials.
Designed in Italy . Made in Italy . Found in Italy